Sponsors and Supporters
Huge Thank you to all our Sponsors and Supporters of the 152nd Highland Games
McLeods Brewery
Broad Acres
Fresha Valley
P & A Ferguson
Waipu Four Square
Waipu Lions
Warren McLean
Wayne and Christine Birss
Whangarei District Council
Wynn Fraser Paint
B McGregor
Bayleys Real Estate
Bream Bay News
Carrfields Livestock
Carrfields - RW McLean
Coastal Contracting 2012 Ltd
Dawn Dutton Photography
Eves Real Estate
Geordie Dye Plumbing
Graeme Worthy
Grant & Carla McLean
K Sandford - Website
M Sandford
Mac and Vicki McLean
Macsway Scaffolding
Maggiesplace Accommodation
Menz Shed
Milligan Trawls Ltd
MOHR Fitness
Moon Graphics
Morris and Debbie Somner
Mountfield Quarry
Northcoast Turf
Northern Rural Haulage
Northland Coastal Roofing
Oakleigh Service Station
Onroad Transport
Rosyth Farms - A & G McKay
Sandford Farms
Smooth FM
Skin & Carla McLean
T & J Hart
The Caledonia
The Northern Advocate
Tidal Homes
Waipu Central
Waipu Bowling Club
Waipu Caledonian Charitable Trust
Waipu Croquet Club
Waipu Electrical
Waipu Hotel
Waipu ITM
Waipu Liquor Centre
Waipu Presbyterian Church
Waipu Primary School
Waipu Surf Lifesaving Club
Waipu Tennis Club
Waipu Tyres